How To Make Patch Panels You Can’t Buy New: How To Fix That Spot In The Trunk Right Behind The Wheel Tub

How To Make Patch Panels You Can’t Buy New: How To Fix That Spot In The Trunk Right Behind The Wheel Tub

With all the restoration parts available today for muscle cars and classics of all kinds, we still sometimes come across damage that can’t easily be fixed with what is available. Or, there isn’t anything available at all. And even if there is a part available, sometimes it is not the right solution for the damage you may have. That’s the case in this particular Buick, which might be a GM A-Body but that doesn’t mean all the A-Body parts are just right for it. Thankfully our dude Fitzee knows what is up and has all kinds of great skills to share when it comes to making repairs like this.

The Buick in this video has relatively small rust damage, behind each wheel tub, in the trunk floor above the trunk brace. But if you look at the panel, the bracing, and the process as Fitzee goes through it, you’ll realize it is not exactly the same as a Chevelle, and with the right methods you can make a nicer repair using your own materials.

But this isn’t the most simple panel to replace. Or at least it doesn’t seem like it at first glance. Since nothing phases Fitzee, he gives all the direction and instruction needed to know how to make this repair yourself, and gives you the confidence to try it, and we love him for it.

So check out the video!

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